Gaurang Joshi
Gujarat Ayurved University
Dr.Gaurang Joshi,(B.A.M.S., Gujarat Ayurved University),International Ayurveda Physician, Expert Ayurveda Skin Specialist, Expert in Ayurveda Oncology, Director- Atharva Multispecialty Ayurveda Hospital, Cancer Research Center, Panchakarma And Skin Care Hospital, Rajkot, President-International Psoriasis Foundation, Practicing since last 21 years. Chairman- Atharva Life Science Academic and Research Foundation( Atharva Foundation), Adjunct Faculty-Hindu University of America, USA, Editor-Journal of Cancer Prevention and Research, USA, Editor-International Journal of Experimental and Clinical Dermatology, USA ,Editor-Madridge Journal of Dermatology & Research, USA. He Has Presented More Than 25 Papers In National And International Conferences On Dermatology And Oncology Research, Was Been Invited By University Of Indonesia, Dept. of Pharmaceuticals Sciences As A Guest Speaker In International Symposium September 2011. Also invited by university of Tel Aviv, Israel to conduct the courses of Ayurveda. Invited as a Guest Speaker at Global Cancer Summit 2015 at Bengaluru, Invited as a Guest Speaker at International Conference on Radiation Biology organized by SRM University, Chennai-2016.Visited USA, Germany, Israel and more than 8 countries as a Speaker, Academician and Consultant of Ayurveda for the propagation of Ayurveda, Felicitated by the Mayor of Jersey City, New Jersey, he was been felicitated with various awards for his contribution in Ayurveda Research. Doing Extensive Research on the management of Side effect of Radio Therapy and Chemotherapy with Ayurveda (Herbal) Medicine and also doing extensive Research with renowned Dermatology Research Institute at USA on Psoriasis and Vitiligo .Providing on line consultation to the patients globally. He is an international Blog writer for many international Websites including his own websites. Patients across the globe visiting his hospital for the treatment of various chronic disease like Psoriasis, Cancer, and Arthritis etc. Visiting USA, Colombia every year to conduct Seminars and workshops on Ayurveda. Also invited by various Universities as adjunct faculty across the globe to deliver Ayurveda.
Research Interest
Dermatology, Oncology, Arthritis, Stress Management