Benjamin Bihabwa Mahano
University Paris Descartes, France
Poet, Psychiatrist and Psychotherapist, Bihabwa worked as a psychiatrist for four years in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Among other things, he treated women who had been raped and their children, from rape. He was the coordinating doctor of the National Program of Mental Health in the province of South Kivu. He worked at the Fann hospital in Dakar for three years before going to France at the EPSM des Flandres.Psychiatrist, he specialized in Transcultural approach at the University Paris Descartes, in the program coordinated by Professor Marie-Rose Moro.His research explores the problem posed by traumatic events on social and societal dynamics. He works on the trauma and resilience of children from rape in a patrilineal patriarchal society. He is particularly interested in topics related to the transmission of trauma and Transgenerational trauma.In the treatment, he works on the complementary approach, which combines traditional and modern approaches.