Sandip K Bandyopadhyay
KPC Medical College & Hospital, India
Title: Herbal remedy: An alternate therapy of NSAIDS-induced gastric ulcer healing
Biography: Sandip K Bandyopadhyay
India has immeasurable varieties of tropical plants. The Indian Medicine Central Council act 1970 recognizes Ayur-vedic medicine. Spices and herbs are recognized sources of natural antioxidants, many of which are phenols and aromatic amines..Clinical research has confirmed the efficacy of several medicinal plants for the treatment of many diseases including gastric disease. Basic scientific research has uncovered many of the mechanisms to explain their therapeutic effects The use of non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) accounts for approximately 25% of gastric ulcer cases with an upward trend .The NSAIDs are one of the most widely prescribed drugs in the world.. However, these drugs are well known to induce stomach ulceration, and delay ulcer healing Therefore, development of a drug having antiulcerogenic property from plant sources without compromising the efficacy and safety would be expected to benefit millions of suffering humanity. With that object, we have selected for a study on antiulcer effect of the leaves of piper betle, camellia sinasis fruit of Myristica malabarica, roots of Picrroza kurrow of Indian origin with known therapeutic values against different diseases including gastropathy in Ayurvedic system of medicine. The present study also based on experimentally NSAIDs induced ulcer in animal model .Other than the antioxidative properties of these plants extracts but also have the property to up regulate the anti inflammatory cytokines e.g.,TGF-β, COX2,Growth factors e.g.,VEGF, PGE, Arginase, & vWF and down regulating the pro inflammatory cytokines e.g., TNF-α, IL1β,myloperoxidase level,COX1, endostatin, cellular adhesion molecules & selectins e.g.,s-ICAM,s-VCAM & Nitric Oxide etc. Regulating all the above mention parameters, it accelerates the healing of gastric ulcer and thus, the functional aspect of foods is due to their components present in.