Russell Jaffe
Chairman and CEO PERQUE Integrative Health USA
Title: Rethink Health: Standardized herbs personal predictive biomarkers interdependent sustainability
Biography: Russell Jaffe
Epigenetics includes everything that our habits and life style influence and by which individuals are influenced. The consensus from the National Institutes of Health, World Health Organization and Institute of Medicine is that 92% of lifetime health is due to the details of what people eat, drink, think and do. More recent studies confirm how quickly the metabolism (metabolome) and digestion (microbiome) are modified when consumption, activity, attitude and environment are modified. Treatment outcomes based on symptoms suppressed are more costly and less effective than those based on promoting the causes of good health and avoiding the consequences of ill health. Beginning with the fundamentals, this presentation will discuss 8 validated functional predictive biomarker tests. The emphasis on these tests brings out the importance attached to physiology, fundamental to traditional healing in charting out the course of a healthy life now and in the future; pillars of a personalized, evidence based practice today. Resources will be highlighted to facilitate the learning curve for those interested in a modern ReThink Health look at herbals as part of the cost and outcome effective solution set to the conventional sick care/healthcare systems. From Gerard’s Herbal to Commission E Monographs to Jim Duke’s compendium (http://www.ars-grin.gov/duke/) and from Mark Blumenthal’s American Botanical Council (http://abc.herbalgram.org/site/PageServer to lymphocyte response tests for immune responses to herbs, this presentation highlights resources and opportunities to use better quality herbals in quality assured systems. Emphasis will be on documenting the value of health promotion (or risk reduced) through use of smart, convergent technologies- high sensitivity predictive biomarker tests. We will also talk about the Alkaline Way program- a lifestyle modality which combines with predictive biomarker tests and self-assessments and aims to serve as an individual’s health promotion plan for functioning better today and living better tomorrow. When applied through health coaches, proactive health professionals, through media and public service announcements, this approach, fully implemented, can save 10 million lives over a decade and add $80 trillion to the country’s balance sheet.